Monday, August 22, 2005

Fixing Up Friends

Tonight I got together for drinks with my friends Tom and Hannes, guys I know from Damascus and really like but am just friends with. They're both good-looking (Hannes happens to be one of the best-looking guys I know), extremely smart, have wicked senses of humor, and are incredibly nice to boot. Why they're single is one of those mysteries I can't figure out, like Stonehenge or Ashlee Simpson's popularity.

Two drinks into the night, I decided that Tom and Hannes should meet some of my female smart, gorgeous London friends. I mentioned this and Hannes looked at his watch. I asked him why he was doing that and Tom pointed out I'd been hanging out with Hannes for hours (we had met for coffee earlier on and had indeed been hanging out for several hours at that point) and I was just now mentioning my wonderful, available friends. Having both spent the past seven or eight months in Damascus, a very tricky place to date, they were both excited about the possibility of my fixing them up with my fantastic friends.

I pointed out that, in return, it would be great it they could fix me up with one of their single friends. They reluctantly asked me what I'm looking for. I said 'Witty and sarcastic, smart, well-traveled, perhaps.' At this point Tom pointed out that he thought that eliminated most of his friends as 'they're not well-traveled.' 'I guess they don't have to be well-traveled,' I said. By this point we had walked outside and were saying goodbye. 'Well?' I asked them. 'I really don't know what you're looking for,' Hannes said. 'Witty and smart? Is that so hard?' I asked.

My friend David once flat out said that he could never set me up with one of his friends, as I was too good for all of them (I still, by the way, refuse to believe this). Women are, I think, more willing to put their friends out there to meet nice, single guys. There's nothing I'd like to see more than my fabulous friends getting together. Men seem to have some problem with fixing up their female friends with their male friends. Or is it just that my male friends aren't very comfortable fixing me up with their friends?


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