The Art of Gift-Giving, Etta James, and the New Year
I'm going to write about something that even a good, long run on the treadmill couldn't quite shake out of me.I've been sick. I had a thyroidectomy. I had treatment. I'm still recovering and yes, sometimes that makes me crabby because sometimes it's really tough. I was gone from work and from my apartment in Doha, Qatar, for three months. During that time, two of my friends with keys to my apartment helped themselves to things in my apartment: food, toilet paper, soap, cooking utensils, things like that. I don't think anyone would ever call me laid back but I'm not entirely annoyed that they went shopping in my apartment. I was certainly okay with their taking some things, but some of the food items they took were irreplacable in Doha, like bacon I had brought back from the UK.
So, some people say, well, at least you're alive. Yeah, that's true, but I also like to have friends who have manners, and the guy who took my bacon didn't seem to think it was a big deal he had taken it, been to the UK afterwards, and hadn't replaced the bacon he took.
I ran into him last week, after he had made another trip to the UK, and he said he had a Christmas present for me. I got it today, and it was a package of bacon and a package of proscuitto. I pointed out that replacing items you took from someone's house doesn't constitute a Christmas present. He said, 'Oh, but I got you proscuitto, too!'
Here's a little advice for anyone who gives gifts: giving someone the same thing you took from them without their permission does not constitute a gift. And you're nuts if you think it does.
What makes me more annoyed is that I've given this friend several thoughtful gifts that did not consist of things I've taken from his apartment.
Here's where Etta James comes in. She wouldn't take this from anyone. She would have thrown the bacon back in this guy's face and walked out. At least her songs give me that impression. Me, I just took the bacon and left.
I don't usually make New Year's Resolutions, but I am making myself some promises. I will make every day count. I will not tolerate crap friends. I will try not to be a crap friend. I will finish that scarf I've been knitting for a year. I will pamper myself more. I will take good vacations. I will eat well. I will listen to good music. I will finally learn how to make good coffee and scuba dive. I will beat Nic at Scrabble. And I will never, ever take something from someone's apartment, buy them a replacement, and try to pass it off as a gift. I'm not that person.