Being Sick
I've been sick for four or five days now. Nothing bad, just a flu, but definitely the sort that has knocked me off my feet and left me dizzy and coughing so hard my stomach hurts. I'm sick of being sick; I'm sure my friends are sick of my being sick and crabby, too. I've probably managed to lose a few friends this week with my perhaps irrational demand that they call to find out how I'm doing.Oh well. Sometimes I can't help who I am and what I want from friends. You can't force people to care about you when you're sick, even when they're friends. I guess some friends are just your friend when you're feeling fine and can party with them and sometimes it's difficult to know which friends are what sort until you get sick. There's nothing wrong with having party friends as long as you both have the same expectations from your friendship.
Sometimes friendship isn't enough when you're sick, though. There's only so much you can expect your friends to do, especially when you've only known them for a few months. Is there something different about being a single girl and being sick? I feel like the older I get, the harder it is to be single and sick. It's not that I want to be pampered; I'm horrible at being pampered because it makes me feel uncomfortable. It's just nice to have someone around to bring you water every once in a while or sit with you and watch movies or just chat. I feel like none of my male friends have this problem; it seems that when they're sick there's always some woman around to pamper them. When I'm sick I definitely no longer want to be single. I want to be that girl with the boyfriend who brings around books, movies, food, and maybe the occasional cup of tea.
To top it off, I got sick during my vacation, so, after a day trip to the spectacular Roman ruins in Bosra and exploring a bit of the southern part of Damascus, I didn't do anything other than wander dizzily around my apartment and my neighborhood. I guess it's not too bad to be forced to take a break every once in a while.
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