I hate this city. I hate having to drive or be driven everywhere, I hate going to malls, I hate going to strip malls, I hate socializing mainly with people from work and living with them as well, I just hate this place.I spent four and a half years of my life living in a place I didn't like, Atlanta. But the other day one of my good friends who lives in Japan wrote to me to say that she's being sent to Atlanta for a meeting and I got jealous. Jealous! I couldn't believe that there was anything that would make me miss anything about Atlanta, but there I was, missing good restaurants and cozy places to eat.
I know I've got a fabulous job opportunity, but sometimes I sit here in my apartment, bored out of my mind, and think that it's not worth living in a place where living seems so difficult. I'd like to live in a place that feels alive, where the city has expression and life.
Tonight someone asked me what my favorite thing about Doha is and I couldn't think of a single thing. Not a thing.
Perhaps it's just been a particularly rotten day.
You know what I wish, though? I wish that some of my friends would call. I sometimes get pissed off that I hardly ever get phone calls from my friends, and people I consider my good friends, too. In the days of Skype and cheap calling cards, especially from the US, it's really not that difficult to call. It only adds to the frustration of being so far away, the fact that people don't call.
Yeah, well... I think it's being away from everything ur accustomed to.
I cant honestly say that I understand what ur feelings, cuz i've never lived in the gulf.
But, even here in tokyo.. a lot of nights pass by, with me missing life in Damascus and Latakia. back home.
there's a beautiful essence that's u feel is part of u. the feeling of confidence to where every street leads is overwhelming, especially when u lose that feeling. and especially in my case, when u cant communicate with 99% of the people around cuz they don't know english and ur yet to learn their language. [It's amazing btw how the japanese's english sux that much]
anyways.. good luck out there, time should bring new things ur way, that's how i get on here... hopefully
Our existence for better or worse is based upon comparisons...we cannot avoid this, however, we can make creative ones in lieu of the conventional ones.
I think this when I'm weeding and manicuring the school grounds as children run by giggling, not having a clue that their young lives are flashing right across their eyes without them knowing.
Holy crap those were some deep comments.
So....what they said...and email me your skype ID or ping me when you are on IM...and we will f#cking get our chat on! Bong!
Nothing but love for you holmes, and we think about you often.
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