Saturday, May 28, 2005

Moving, Democracy

A fellow Syrian blogger pointed out to me that the comment about democracy having Arabic roots was made by Colonel Mohammar Qaddafi of Libya. That came up in our conversation on Thursday but I had forgotten to write about that. What I thought was interesting was that one of my friends who attends IFEAD, the French center for learning Arabic here, said that her professor had told her that as well and a few of our Syrian friends agreed that the word democracy has Arabic roots. Looking up the word, I saw that it has Latin, Greek, and Indo-European roots.

In other news, I'm moving today. After talking to her the morning of the 24th and reminding her that I would be moving out on the 31st, as we had agreed, my landlady decided later that day that she wanted me to leave on the 25th but I managed to work it out so I could move today. I hate packing and I hate moving my stuff. It's so stressful. Oh well. It will all be over today. It makes my leaving Syria rather final, though, at least packing up my stuff. I'm leaving in about a week and a half, this after coming here and thinking I would be here for two months.


At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are you going? Also, Happy Belated Birthday m'girl, I'm sorry I have been so out of sight, out of mind.

At 7:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

just wondering.....
will u leave our country with good memories and experiences? Hope that ppl have been good to u...

At 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sooo sad yer all leaving now i come back home my plane goes tonight and i want to meet western ppl we could party eat good food etc etc..WHYYY!! AHHHHHHHHH :( :( : :( :( :(

At 7:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cmooonnnn stayyyy where in cham are you??? Lets go to seyidnaya and pray for 4 the last time!


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