Saturday, May 07, 2005

About a Month Left...

Houses on the Barada River, Old City, Damascus
Originally uploaded by HalfPintGirl.
I have about a month left in Damascus. I keep changing my travel dates, I know, but this time I'm fairly certain I'll be leaving by the middle of June. I came here in November with a return ticket for the end of December. I soon decided to stay until the middle of May, and then about a month ago realized I'd be staying longer.

My birthday is coming up at the end of the month and, as happens to me around this time every year, I've been thinking about what I've learned and done in the past year. Since my last birthday I've learned that I never know where I'm going next and, though I often express anxiety about it, I'm actually pretty comfortable with that. I don't have enormous confidence that I will find the job I'm looking for but I have confidence that somehow things will work out.

A large part of this past year has been my time in Damascus. Some of the most exciting things that have happened to me have happened while I was here: I've been in a traffic jam with a donkey, I've lounged along the Euphrates, I've slept under the stars in the desert, and I've struggled with and enjoyed Arabic. I've grown very fond of the scene in this picture in Damascus and will miss it. I also feel it is time for me to go home, wherever that is. I think I have to make one.


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